唐鹏程:Moving beyondeconomic criteria: Exploring the socialimpact of green innovation from the stakeholder management perspective.
金沙官网js3845金沙线路唐鹏程老师在T1级别期刊——《Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management》上发表题为“Moving beyond economic criteria: Exploring the social impact of green innovation from the stakeholder management perspective”。论文作者唐鹏程为js3845金沙线路副教授,博士生导师。
Abstract /摘要:
Unlike previous studies mainly focused ontheeconomicimpactofgreeninnovation, this paper explores itssocialreturns, denoted bythestakeholderengagement, given stakeholders can affect or are affected bythefirm's low-carbon transition. Drawing onthecomplementary view andthesubstitute view, our empirical resultsfromChina overthesample periodof2012 to 2018 found that moregreeninnovationwould crowd instakeholder-related activities, especially forthewelfare improvementofcustomers and suppliers. However, betterstakeholderrelations do not bring positiveeconomicreturns giventheweaksocialpressures and uncertain rewards for being socially responsible in emerging countries. By doing so, our study expandsthetheoretical knowledge aboutthesocialimpactofgreeninnovation, thus offering a practical guidance for firms to simultaneously manage their environmental performance,socialperformance andeconomicperformance in China and, potentially, in other emerging countries which also pursue environmental transition and betterstakeholdermanagement.
Moving beyond economic criteria: Exploring the social impact of green innovation from the stakeholder management perspective
Tang, Pengcheng;Liu, Xuan;Hong, Yao;Yang, Shuwang
Keywords /关键词
green innovation;stakeholder management;sustainable development;synergiestrade-offs